Our Photo Gallery paints a thousand words about our services.

Quite simply, the Lazenby Group can help your business achieve. Contact Us today, and tell us how we can help you.

What our customers say
about our company

  • Andrew Corbett
    We've been using Lazenbys for many years now; they supply brackets and steelwork for us for use in signage and the quality of their work, and the service that we receive from their team, is always exceptional.
    Andrew Corbett
    Business 101, Hull
  • Mark Shally
    We use Lazenby’s for all our sheet metal and kiosk needs and have done for many years now – the quality, attention to detail, and turnaround time are why we use them.
    Mark Shally
    Nexus Solutions, Brough
  • Gareth Deakin
    We have dealt with the Lazenby Group for a number of years now as both a supplier and a client – They are efficient in what they do and the quality they consistently produce. We always recommend them to our clients and they always give us great feedback on using Lazenbys.  
    Gareth Deakin
    Metal Coating Services Ltd, Hull

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